Don’t let water funding dry up

For the last fifty years, water professionals across the United States have been dedicated to keeping our drinking water safe. Through droughts, floods, and storms, these heroes ensure our communities have access to clean water. They keep our businesses open and the economy thriving. Washington has helped, but the money will soon run out. Don’t let Congress slash funding that protects our water, leaving hard working families to pay the bill.

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A clear solution: Increase water funding

Washington has supported clean drinking water for 50 years, but if Congress doesn’t act funding could soon be slashed for local communities. We can’t let that happen.

While the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) was the largest investment in water in the history of the United States, it is only a fraction of what we need. Making our water systems work for all Americans will require over $1.25 trillion in the coming decades according to the U.S. EPA.

Adequate funding is the only way to guarantee continued access to affordable, safe, and clean water.

Congress must invest to keep our water safe and reliable.

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Keep water affordable

Water bills are rising across the country, leaving low-income families in a bind. Now Congress must act to ensure safe water access for all.

Low-income families face the difficult decision between paying for water, food, or medicine. When people struggle to afford water, local utilities struggle as well. This has a ripple effect across the economy.

Congress created a program to help hardworking families and their communities maintain access to clean and safe water, but the funding has run out. Congress must make this program permanent.

No family should go without water just because they can’t afford it.

Make your voice heardMake your voice heard

Hold polluters accountable for water contamination.

Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ are in thousands of products that we use every day and have contaminated our environment. Now giant corporations that made billions of dollars selling these chemicals want you to pay to take them out of drinking water.

Washington wants to let polluters make hardworking families pay to clean up this mess.

We must make the polluters pay to keep our water safe and clean up these toxic chemicals.

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